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 The repository provides a service for delevering the adaptable parts to the adaptation reconfiguration mechanism as shown in figure [*]. For the integrated profile based context awareness the profiles are also loaded from the repository.

The repository allows the mobile code to load only the code over the network which is actually needed for the execution in the current environment. The concept of the repository has to overcome several disadvantages.

If the mobile code is a mobile agent, like in the example of browser configuration, the repository restricts the autonomy of the mobile agent. If a link between the repository and the mobile agent is down, the agent can not proceed with its execution because of missing classes. This contradicts the requirement R6 of chapter [*] because autonomy, a key feature of the mobile agent application, is limited by employing adaptation.

Another problem is the increased latency for remotely loading the classes from the repository instead of loading the classes from the local file system.

These implicit disadvantages can not be solved entirely, but their influence can be reduced by extending the framework with proxy repositories .

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