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Im folgenden, ist ein Auszug aus dem README zu sehen, das das Starten der Policyagenten über das Applet des Agentensystems MASA beschreibt.
No enviroment variable has to be set. (normally)

The steps 1-6 have to be done only in case the AgentSystem, 
AgentInitChannel and the NamingService are NOT running:

1. change to the masa-directory 
(the same as specified in AGENT_SYSTEM_CODE_BASE)

2. change to the masa-bin directory 
   >cd bin/

3. start the osagent in an own shell
   >./masaScript start osagent

   Look at the shell. You must see something like this:
        Bound to the following UDP port  : 14383
        Bound to the following interfaces:
        Address:  Subnet:  Broadcast:

4. start the NamingService in an own shell
   >./masaScript start naming
   Look at the shell. You must see something like this:
        NamingWebServerinitWebServer(): ior length404
        configured host: sunheger2
        NamingWebServer.waitForRequests(): Wait for requests, listening at port 5383.

   Remember the port!(5383)

5. start the AgentInitChannel in an own shell
   >./masaScript start channel

        NamingWebServer.getIORWWW() get port...done.
        NamingWebServer.getIORWWW(): IOR:000000000000002849444c3a6f72672e6f6d672...
        Created event channel
        AgentChannel.main():Channel is up and bound to the name AgentInitChannel

   Remember the name of the Channel! (AgentInitChannel).
   If you want to activate an operational Policy, then you have to now this name.
6. start the AgentSystemt in an own shell
   >./masaScript start system

7.  open a new shell and start hotjava
   or with log
   >hotjava -log /dev/tty

8. set the URL to: 
        //(see step4)
   example :  http//:sunheger2:5383
   Now you sould see the masa-AgentSystemApplet (after a view seconds (~>60))

9.Start the PersistenceServiceMobileAgent (PSMA)
   -select the option "Create agent" from the masa-AgentSystemApplet,
   -choose PersistenceService from the Chooseagent-combobox,
   -enter in the table below in the field "Values": 


   (NOTE: You can replace with any name you like.
         In this case you have to pass your selection in the constructor
         of PolicyFactoryMobileAgent (step11) and 
         EnforcementObjectFactoryMobileAgent (step 10).

   -press the RETURN-key!!! veryyy importand,
   -and press "create agent". 
   The PersistenceServiceMobileAgent is now created 
   and you can access its webpage. To make this do:
        -select the option "Manage agents" from the masa-AgentSystemApplet,
        -select in the table PersistenceServiceMobileAgent
        -press "Show agent's webpage"
   if you see the webpage:
        -you can restore a policy database.
        in the Mopa-directory you can find an exampledatabase 
        "tmp.db" and restore it.

10.Start the EnforcementObjectFactoryMobileAgent (EOFMA)
   -select the option "Create agent" from the masa-AgentSystemApplet,
   -choose EnforcementObjectFactory  from the Chooseagent-combobox
   -enter in the table below in the field "Values":
        mnm.domain/ManagementApplication.domain/ //same as in step 9
        /tmp/tmp.db  //or an other database-name        
        dhcp_agent   //or an other agenttyp

   (NOTE: You can replace Factory_1.eof in 
         with any name you like.
         If you want to activate an operational Policy, 
         then you have to now this name. 

   -press the RETURN-key!!! veryyy importand
   -and press "create agent" 
   the EnforcementObjectFactoryMobileAgent is now created 
   and you can access its webpage.
   To make this do:
        -select the option "Manage agents" from the masa-AgentSystemApplet,
        -select in the table EnforcementObjectFactoryMobileAgent,
        -press "Show agent's webpage".  

11.Start the  PolicyFactoryMobileAgent (PFMA)
   -select the option Create agent from the masa-AgentSystemApplet,
   -choose PolicyFactory  from the Chooseagent-combobox,
   -enter in the table below in field "Values": 
        /tmp/tmp.db  //or an other database-name

        a)You can replace in
        with any name you like.
        must be the same as in step 9
        c)the database "/tmp/tmp.db" (or your selection )
        must be restored at this moment by the PSMA.

   -press the RETURN-key!!! veryyy importand,
   -and press "create agent".
   The PolicyFactoryMobileAgent is now created and you can 
   access its webpage.
   To make this do:
        -select the option "Manage agents" from the masa-AgentSystemApplet,
        -select in the table PolicyFactoryMobileAgent,
        -press Show agent's webpage or doubleclick 

13.Start the JMAPI-DB-Server by  typing the following command
   from the MoPA-directory:
   >gmake STARTJM
   For adding new Nomadic Nodes to the JMAPI-database
   (mac_address and domain) use the Applet by Christian Schiller 
   by  typing the following command from the MoPA-directory

   >gmake JMAPPLET

   (Note:At this moment(31.03.1999) the JMAPI-DB-Server does not work.)

That's all.

Copyright Munich Network Management Team