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Switch control processor module.

This information is provided by the envCPUsTable (cpuGroup 3), indexed by envCpuBoard and envCpuSlot:

The TA applies the following mapping scheme for the operational state: The operational state 'standby' is only possible with a dual SCP configuration, and means that the SCP in question is playing the role of backup SCP. In case of a dual configuration, a 'down' condition in the primary SCP should be mapped as a nodeAlarm with severity 'Major', whereas the same condition with a single SCP configuration should have the severity 'Critical'.
[[envCPUState, Board, CpuSlot] = IntState],
[nodeAlarm(N, physModule(N, M), Severity, Reason,
physModule(N, M), '', OpStatus)]
) :-
% case of asx1000: select CPUs on same board as agent
( ( switchModel(N, asx1000) ; switchModel(N, asx1200) ) ->
physBoard(N, Board, _BType) % only if board already in database
; true
), !,
concat_atom(['CPU', CpuSlot], M),
% some enumerated states not defined in INMS, but useful as 'reason':
s2enum(envCPUState, State, IntState),
IntState == 1 ->
OpStatus = up,
Reason = agentPolled,
Severity = 'Normal'
OpStatus = down,
concat_atom(['State of CPU is ', State], Reason),
(scpConfig(N, Board, CpuSlot, CpuSlot, alone) ->
Severity = 'Critical' % stand-alone SCP is down
; Severity = 'Warning') % Fore: should second CPU on board be up ?

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