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The specification of events is not separated from the policy description. Each policy has to introduce the event (name) and its structure the policy makes use of directly. Defining new events is not supported, because an event itself is received from agents and must be well known. Therefore, a separate event description language does not exist as in Koch's work.

The event specification as part of the policy description consists of the name of the event and its attributes following the keyword DELIVERS. Table [*] shows the structure of the policy description. The attributes are bound to variables which are typed with string, long, or boolean. With the help of the variables, it is possible to reuse attribute values in the specification in the ACTION and CONSTRAINT parts of the policy. An example is given in table [*].

As a result of this, there is no distinction between different kinds of events, like monitoring, timing, or composed events. Basic event correlation is also not implemented, but could probably be done in a decentralised fashion by the agents of the management objects or in the constraint part of the policy specification.

Table 6.1: Structure of the PDL notation [Radi 98]
...INT (... && ... \vert ... \vert\vert ...)\end{verbatim}\end{minipage}\end{table}

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