The latest finalized version is PVMerlin 4.01.
To install and use it simply follow these
Download the latest archive under Ready to Install and Use and unzip it on your PC.
Start the PV Applications Manager that came
with your PV and load the addin-file "pvm401.bin" (from the archive) to your
PV. For PV S1600 use the file "pvm401.pva".
have fun ;-)
btw: With PVMerlin Verion 4.01, the common
file "SHARED" is used to store parameters.
Archives: Ready to Install and Use
All archives in this area contain a ready-to-use
.bin file of PVMerlin together with all documentations.
PVMerlin 4.01 (June 2004) -- Now also for PV S1600!
PVMerlin 4.0 (December 2002)
PVMerlin 3.2 (September 2002)
PVMerlin 3.2 Polish Version (September 2002)
PVMerlin 3.1 (September 2002 by Marcin Wolinski)
PVMerlin 3.1 Polish Version (September 2002 by Marcin Wolinski)
PVMerlin 3 -
final version 3 (December 2001)
PVMerlin 3 Polish version - final version 3pl (December 2001)
PVMerlin 3 beta - (August 2001)
Source Code Archives